Dynamae Oracle Deck

Digital Mockup using LibreOffice Impress and game-icons.net

An oracle deck based on the sixteen Dynamae—the "elements" or "powers"—the archetypal semi-sentient forces of the supernatural that flow throughout all monads of the omniverse, as understood by metacosmologists and stylized in Nortat's Matrix:

  • 16 powers, their names each with two constituent logograms; illuminated & enshrouded versions, offering a total of 64 cards—without the need to read cards as either upright or reversed.

  • The aim is to fill out the table, complete the digital mockup of the cards with icons from game-icons.net and then paint/illustrate each card by hand.

Personae SRD Text, Shadowlight RPG Text by Craig Hatler Games; under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license (CC BY 4.0). Permission granted to reproduce this document freely for use with Personae SRD and Shadowlight RPGs.