My (Current) Want-To-Do List

aka what my brain won't stop yelling at me to work on

"You need to

  1. Update the SRD to v3 so you can get closer to a finished Core Guide! ✅ (Completed, uploaded to Itch 12/28/24)

  2. Expand/Change the Basic Game document(Completed, uploaded to Itch 12/28/24):

    1. Include the latest reference sheets! It’s missing what the three types of challenges mean/represent!

    2. Remove the page of weapons icons/images, it might be misconstrued as emphasizing combat/violence!

  3. Core Guide in 2025!

    1. Solo game + how to play

    2. GM-less option

    3. Improved chorus support (see props below)

  4. Write up your Chorus Props more definitively! including

    1. Mystery as identity attributes and skills

    2. Monad generation

    3. Baseline trait construction that doesn’t rely on examples

    4. Revisit adversary degrees of threat

    5. Elaborate on/more clearly establish meta-game conflict between shiruul, shaleth and beleshedaux

  5. Work on more Tricks! including

    1. Persistent Gale, Steadfast Reed

    2. Trembling in the Cold of Dark

    3. Lanterns Held Aloft

    4. Cy/G1G

Oh and let’s not forget

  1. “Didn't you want to finish the digital mockup of the oracle deck so you could start making the physical version with all the fancy paint markers you spent money on?"